Wellness & Preventive Care

Wellness & Preventive Care

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

– Ben Franklin

Preventive care is crucial to maintaining your pet’s health. Not only does it provide peace of mind now, but it is one of the best ways to prevent disease and expense down the road, ensuring your pet lives a long and happy life.

At Flowertown Animal Hospital, we believe that patients need personalized preventive care depending on their age and disease status, and no two patients are the same. Whole patient wellness involves good nutrition, appropriate use of vaccines, good dental health, annual physical assessments, and routine screening diagnostics.

We all know that dogs and cats are extremely stoic and will mask many diseases until they are very advanced, making them more challenging – and more costly – to treat. Simple diagnostics, such as routine bloodwork and x-rays, in addition to a thorough physical exam, can detect diseases like diabeteskidney disease, bladder stones, and many more harmful conditions before your pet becomes ill and shows you any symptoms or cause for concern. Earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment result in fewer emergency room visits and unnecessary illness for your pet.

We look forward to formulating a wellness plan for your furry family member, so call 843-875-6303 to make an appointment today for the future health of your pet!